Unhack Yourself is an innovative coaching method for personal transformation. Its aim is to stimulate you into being the best version of yourself and to transform those things that get in the way.

By ‘unhacking’ yourself, you will be living with more:

  • Inner strength and inner peace
  • Meaning and connection
  • Confidence and bravery
  • Freedom from stress and anxiety

Unhack Yourself is the result of more than 25 years of research and development. The foundation is a universal logic about how our consciousness works, bringing together quantum physics, psychology, semantics, ancient wisdom and spirituality.

  • Experiencing meaning
  • Feeling free
  • Being connected to yourself and others
  • Daring to speak out
  • Taking responsibility
  • Experiencing inner peace
  • Standing strong for who you are
  • Feeling grounded

We allow everyone to live their true potential.

  • Of having low self-esteem
  • Being unhappy in your relationship(s)
  • Being ineffective in your work
  • Being stuck or stagnant in your life
  • Experiencing stress
  • Experiencing burnout or boredom
  • Being depressed
  • Experiencing loneliness

Unhack Yourself is designed to help you overcome the challenges in your life and/or be the best version of yourself. To unlock your true potential, you have to go within: real change comes from the inside out.

  • Am I living my true potential?
  • Who am I when I really look at myself?
  • Am I really connected to myself?
  • Am I holding myself back??

Getting answers to fundamental life questions is a process that does not take place outside of yourself. Becoming self-aware is a process that happens within you. However, for many of us, those answers are often hidden deep inside or are very painful to bring up.

  • Raise your own self-awareness
  • Unlock your untapped potential
  • Address root causes of your obstacles
  • Transform yourself from within

Under the guidance of a coach, you make the journey inward, seeing who you have become, feeling your deepest desires and experiencing what is holding you back from change.

Unhack Yourself is for you if you're willing to go through the process of change. To engage in your own personal metamorphosis.

How do you transform yourself?

In the metaphor of the metamorphosis of caterpillar to butterfly, it is good to understand that before you can spread your wings and fly … you first have to feel and know what keeps you on the ground.

Becoming self-aware begins with observing yourself. Feeling who you have become. Understanding what has shaped you into the person you are today, with all your conditioning and mechanisms. You could see yourself as a caterpillar, programmed to survive.

At the same time, there is a person in you who is completely free. This is the butterfly in you, the person you are at your core; someone who gives you strength, who loves, who experiences happiness. These two selves, your conditioned self and your free self, coexist with each other. The question is: which one is more present from moment to moment?

Unhack Yourself is a way to observe yourself as a caterpillar and as a butterfly. Using an online instrument, we simulate your process of sense-making, which determines how you "look" at yourself and your environment. You enter into a kind of dialogue with yourself. Who am I (as a caterpillar)? Who am I (as a butterfly)? You are both "states of being" at the same time, but you are also the one who can consciously choose between them.

The coaches at Unhack Yourself help you make those fundamental choices and to integrate them into your life. You always have the possibility of freeing yourself and living your true potential, whether you're at the beginning of your life or in the middle of it.

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