Article 1: General provisions

  • Unhack Yourself is the trade name of Unhack Yourself B.V. (an affiliate of Unhack Yourself Group B.V.), hereinafter referred to as: ‘Unhack Yourself’, with its registered office at Jan Massenstraat 20, 1411 RW Naarden, The Netherlands.
  • These General Terms and Conditions apply to all agreements concluded between Unhack Yourself and another Party, hereinafter referred to as: the ‘Other Party’.
  • General Terms and Conditions of the Other Party are hereby expressly rejected.
  • Deviations from these General Terms and Conditions will only be binding if and in so far as they have been confirmed in writing by Unhack Yourself and only as regards the assignment for which the relevant deviation has been agreed.
  • If one or more of the provisions of these General Terms and Conditions are invalid, contrary to the law or unenforceable, this does not affect the validity of the other provisions.

Article 2: Formation of the agreement

  • Unless explicitly stated otherwise in writing, all offers, including all offers made by Unhack Yourself, will be without obligation.
  • Offers will be valid for a period of thirty (30) days, unless explicitly stated otherwise.
  • An agreement is concluded by the written or electronic confirmation of Unhack Yourself.
  • Offers and/or agreements are based on the information provided by the Other Party at the time the offer and/or agreement was made. The Other Party will ensure that all information that Unhack Yourself indicates is necessary or that the Other Party reasonably understands or ought to understand is necessary for the performance of the agreement is made available to Unhack Yourself in good time and in the desired form and manner.
  • Amendments and/or additions to the agreement are only binding on Unhack Yourself if they have been explicitly confirmed in writing by Unhack Yourself.
  • If the agreement with Unhack Yourself concerns the use of the Unhack Yourself system, the Other Party must agree to the terms of use of the Unhack Yourself system.

Article 3: Performance of the agreement

  • Unhack Yourself will make every effort to perform the agreement with due care. The obligations arising for Unhack Yourself from any agreement are best-efforts obligations and therefore never obligations of result.
  • The assignments are given exclusively to Unhack Yourself. Unhack Yourself will subsequently decide which person or legal entity will actually perform the agreement with the Other Party.
  • During the term of the agreement, amendments and/or additions to the agreement will only be valid if they have been agreed in writing. If the amendment or addition results in additional work, Unhack Yourself will, to the best of its ability, provide an estimate of the additional costs and time schedule. The Other Party will approve or reject the amendment to the agreement within a reasonable period of time, but no later than within one (1) week of receiving notice of the amendments and/or additions.
  • Unhack Yourself has the right to replace the person who has been deployed for the performance of the agreement by one or more other persons with qualifications that are the same as or higher than those of the person being replaced. Such a replacement will not be made until the Other Party has been consulted.

Article 4: Delivery periods

  • Unhack Yourself determines the delivery periods for goods and/or services in the agreement to the best of its knowledge and ability. The delivery periods are guidelines and are therefore never strict deadlines for Unhack Yourself, unless otherwise confirmed in writing by Unhack Yourself.
  • Unhack Yourself is not liable for any loss resulting from failure to meet the delivery deadline.
  • If reasonably possible, Unhack Yourself will notify the Other Party as soon as possible if there is a risk that any deadline will be exceeded. If this situation arises, the parties will consult each other and Unhack Yourself will be given a reasonable period in which to provide the desired services.
  • In the event that Unhack Yourself is affected by a situation of force majeure, as described in Article 10, Unhack Yourself will have the right to postpone the delivery date by an appropriate period of time.

Article 5: Payment

  • All prices are net and are, unless explicitly agreed otherwise, in euros (€), excluding turnover tax and/or other taxes and levies imposed by the government, shipping and transport costs and travel and accommodation costs.
  • Payments must be made in accordance with the payment terms stated in the offer or invoice respectively. If no specific conditions are stated, payment must be made within fourteen (14) days of the invoice date, being a strict deadline, unless otherwise agreed.
  • Only Unhack Yourself is entitled to set off outstanding debts of the Other Party against claims against the Other Party.
  • If an invoice has not been paid within the stipulated payment term, the Other Party will be obliged to pay contractual interest on the outstanding amount, equal to the statutory commercial interest pursuant to Section 6:119a of the Dutch Civil Code, until the day of payment in full. If payment is not made after a first reminder, the Other Party will be obliged to pay all judicial and extrajudicial costs, amounting to at least 15% of the invoice amount. If an invoice is not paid within the payment term, Unhack Yourself will be entitled to suspend its activities without being liable for the consequences.
  • Unhack Yourself is entitled to increase its rates with effect from 1 January (01/01) of each year if it is confronted with changes in its cost structure as a result of generally applicable government measures. Unhack Yourself also reserves the right to increase the agreed prices once a year, after informing the Other Party.

Article 6: Confidentiality

  • Unhack Yourself and the Other Party impose on each other the obligation to observe strictest secrecy concerning all that the parties have gained knowledge of within the context of an agreement. More specifically, they will maintain confidentiality with respect to all business information and all other information the confidential nature of which they were or ought to have been aware of.
  • The parties guarantee that their employees and/or third parties engaged by them will comply with this obligation to observe confidentiality. If this requires a special nondisclosure agreement, the parties will cooperate in concluding such an agreement.

Article 7: Privacy and data processing

  • In the performance of an agreement, Unhack Yourself processes, whether or not via an authorised third party, personal data as referred to in the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Unhack Yourself hereby qualifies as ‘controller’ and as ‘processor’ within the meaning of the GDPR.
  • If Unhack Yourself processes personal data, it will do so in accordance with the provisions of the GDPR, all applicable legislation and regulations and the Privacy Statement and Cookie Policy of Unhack Yourself. This policy can be found at unhackyourself.com.
  • Unhack Yourself takes appropriate technical and organisational measures to protect the personal data of data subjects against, inter alia, loss, theft or alteration and also imposes this obligation on third parties, such as its subprocessors.
  • If Unhack Yourself qualifies as processor within the meaning of the GDPR, it will conclude a data processing agreement with the controller.
  • If, in the context of an agreement with Unhack Yourself, the Other Party qualifies as controller, the Other Party will be obliged to comply with the GDPR, all other applicable legislation and regulations and the Privacy Statement and Cookie Policy.
  • If an agreement between Unhack Yourself and a controller ends or is terminated, Unhack Yourself will take over the role of controller. Unhack Yourself will retain the personal data and will take technical and organisational measures to protect these personal data.

Article 8: Intellectual property

  • All copyrights, patent rights, trade names, trademarks and other intellectual and industrial property rights relating to the products and/or creations of the mind of the Unhack Yourself that are contained in, inter alia, documentation, the Unhack Yourself system and its updates with associated applications and the services developed by Unhack Yourself that are released and/or made available to the Other Party by Unhack Yourself, are vested at all times in Unhack Yourself or Unhack Yourself Group B.V..
  • The Other Party is expressly prohibited from reproducing, modifying, deleting or making unrecognisable, publicising, providing access to or operating these products and/or creations, whether or not to or by engaging third parties, without the explicit permission of Unhack Yourself or Unhack Yourself Group B.V.,or for a purpose other than that for which Unhack Yourself has granted a right of use.
  • Rights of use granted by Unhack Yourself or Unhack Yourself Group B.V. to the Other Party for any of the aforementioned intellectual property rights will only take effect after payment by the Other Party has been made and it has fulfilled the other obligations resting on it.

Article 9: Liability

  • Unhack Yourself is not liable towards the Other Party and the persons who, by virtue of any legal relationship with the Other Party, perform the agreement or are involved in its performance, for any loss of profits, income, use or contracts, or for any indirect, special or consequential loss.
  • Except in the event of intent and/or gross negligence, the liability of Unhack Yourself for direct loss pursuant to or in connection with this Agreement is limited at all times to € 2.500,- irrespective of whether this liability arises from an agreement (including any form of compensation), indemnification, unlawful act (including negligence) or otherwise.
  • The Other Party indemnifies Unhack Yourself against any action by third parties against Unhack Yourself to the extent that this action is the result of an act or omission on the part of the Other Party and/or the persons who, by virtue of any legal relationship with the Other Party, perform the agreement or are involved in its performance, unless the act or omission is the result of Unhack Yourself’ failure to comply, or failure to comply in time or properly, with its contractual obligations.
  • The Other Party may only claim compensation for its loss if it has served notice of default on Unhack Yourself and Unhack Yourself has not proceeded to comply or remedy the unlawful situation within the set reasonable period of time. The obligation to serve notice of default is cancelled if compliance or remedy is permanently impossible.

Article 10: Force majeure

  • In case of force majeure, the obligations of the parties will be suspended. A force majeure situation exists if all or part of the performance of the agreement is prevented, temporarily or permanently, by circumstances beyond the control of the parties and/or by circumstances on the part of Unhack Yourself.
  • If the situation of force majeure lasts longer than sixty (60) days, both parties will be entitled to terminate the agreement in writing in respect of that part of it which has not yet been performed, without either party being obliged to pay the other party any form of compensation.
  • If, when a circumstance of force majeure arises, Unhack Yourself has already partially performed its obligations or is only able to perform its obligations partially, it will be entitled to invoice separately the part already performed or which it is able to perform and the Other Party will be obliged to pay this invoice.

Article 11: Amendments

  • Unhack Yourself reserves the right to amend its General Terms and Conditions. At the time of the amendment, the new policy will automatically be in force and replace the previous version. Since amendments may be made, Unhack Yourself advises all parties that come into contact with the products and/or services of Unhack Yourself to regularly review these General Terms and Conditions. These General Terms and Conditions were last amended on 16 October 2023.

Article 12: Disputes

  • The legal relationship between Unhack Yourself and the Other Party is governed exclusively by Dutch law. Disputes will be settled by the competent court in the district in which Unhack Yourself has its registered office.
  • If a translation of these General Terms and Conditions has been sent to the Other Party, the Dutch text will prevail.


The agreement between Unhack Yourself and the Other Party to provide courses or training programmes is, in addition to Articles 1 to 12 of the General Section, subject to Article 13 of this Special Section II of these General Terms and Conditions.

Article 13: Performance of the work

  • Unhack Yourself has the right to combine courses or training programmes it provides with one or more other courses or training programmes, or to schedule them for a later date or time if Unhack Yourself is of the opinion that the number of persons signed up by the Other Party gives reason to do so.
  • Unhack Yourself is entitled to change the scheduled dates for courses or training programmes up to fourteen (14) days before the relevant date, provided that it informs the Other Party in good time.
  • If the Other Party or an employee of the Other Party cancels the course or training programme, the costs will be reimbursed as follows:
    • In the event of cancellation more than thirty (30) days before the start of the course or training programme, administration costs of € 50 will be charged;
    • In the event of cancellation within thirty (30) days before the start of the course or training programme, 50% of the costs of the course or training programme will be charged;
    • In case of cancellation within five (5) days before the start of the course or training programme, 80% of the costs of the course or training programme will be charged;
    • In case of cancellation within 24 hours before the start of the course or training programme, after the start of the course or training programme, or in case of nonappearance without cancellation, the full fee of the course or training programme will be charged.
  • Contrary to the provisions of the third paragraph, in the event of cancellation of a tailor-made course or training programme, the Other Party must pay Unhack Yourself the reasonable costs for its development.


The agreement between Unhack Yourself and the Other Party regarding participation in the Unhack Experience is subject to Article 14-17 of this Special Section III of these General Terms and Conditions in addition to Articles 1 to 12 of the General Section.

Article 14: Additional conditions for participants in the Unhack experience

  • By signing the Unhack Experience agreement and/or paying the registration fee, the participant agrees to the additional conditions below.
  • Registration is only final after Unhack Yourself has sent the invoice. Payment must be in order to access the functionality of the Unhack Yourself system and in any case before the start of the Unhack Experience.
  • By agreement, payment can be made in installments.
  • Participation in the program of the Unhack Experience is on a voluntary basis. Participants are free to waive the program to be followed.
  • Abandoning participation in the program does not entitle you to a refund of the registration fee nor to a substitute class or activity.
  • If participants decide to voluntarily withdraw 2 weeks before the start of the Unhack Experience, they are entitled to a refund of at most part of the participation fee due. If it is because of illness or death of close family, the cancellation should be recovered from the cancellation insurance.
  • ◦ Two months before the start of the program: refund of 50% of participation fee. ◦ One month before program start: refund of 25% of participation fee. ◦ Two weeks before program start: refund of 10% of participation fee. ◦ Within two weeks before the start of the program: no refund of participation fee.
  • Travel expenses incurred will not be reimbursed by Unhack Yourself.
  • If the participant is unable to attend their booked Unhack Experience, substitution is allowed.
  • Unhack Yourself has the right to cancel an Unhack Experience if legitimate reasons exist, including insufficient participants, illness of the instructor or force majeure. Cases of force majeure preventing Unhack Experiences from taking place do not entitle you to a refund. However, we will talk to the participant to see if a solution is possible.
  • All participants are responsible for taking out travel and cancellation insurance. Should the Unhack Experience not take place due to circumstances on the side of Unhack Yourself.

Article 15: Liability

  • Unhack Yourself will ensure a good and orderly course of the experiences.
  • Participation in an experience is entirely at your own risk. Unhack Yourself is not liable for injury and/or damage of any kind resulting from the stay and/or activities of the participant, nor for loss or damage to property.
  • Complaints should be made in writing and motivated to Unhack Yourself at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. The complainant will receive a response within 14 days.

Article 16: Medical disclaimers

  • The activities as offered by Unhack Yourself are intended as a leisure activity and not a substitute for medically necessary treatment or therapy. Therefore, always discuss physical and/or psychological complaints with a qualified physician.
  • Always inform the teacher prior to the yoga class if you have a physical complaint. Possibly the teacher can adjust the program accordingly or give personalized exercises.
  • Participants are urged to report to the Unhack Yourself staff if they are under treatment by a psychologist, psychiatrist or other therapist. Use of medications such as antidepressants should also be reported.
  • Do not force anything and take physical complaints seriously.

Article 17: Changes in programming of experiences

  • Unhack Yourself has the right to make changes in the programming of an experience, for example when a teacher is unable to teach the workshops due to illness, relocation, pregnancy or other circumstances.
  • In that case, Unhack Yourself will provide a professional replacement.
  • Drugs and alcohol are not allowed during the experience or retreat.
  • The values of Unhack Yourself are: respect, appreciation, understanding, acceptance, compassion, love and wisdom. We expect each participant to adhere to these.
  • Respect for every human being regardless of religion, beliefs, orientation, gender and development is the most important core value. Unhack Yourself is respectful to all participants and expects participants to be respectful to each other as well.
  • Treat the location of the experience and its surroundings with care, like your own home. Unhack Yourself will take care of the beauty and coziness together with the participants. Any damage will be recovered from the perpetrator.
  • Participants who do not comply with the house rules or do not follow the instructions of the staff of the location or Unhack Yourself can be removed from the experience. This does not entitle the participant to a refund of course fees.
  • Making video/film or sound recordings during the experience is allowed only with prior permission from Unhack Yourself and the participants.
  • Image and portrait rights: Coaches or trainers of Unhack Yourself or parties hired by Unhack Yourself may make recordings (photos, videos and also audio) during experiences. It is possible that a participant can be seen recognizable on these images. Unhack Yourself has the right to use these images, for example for marketing purposes, websites and social media. By participating in the experience, the participant gives permission to Unhack Yourself to use these images.
  • If you have any questions about these additional conditions, please contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or +31 6 51991035.


The agreement between Unhack Yourself and the Other Party to purchase articles and/or books, hereinafter jointly referred to as the 'Products', is subject to Articles 1 to 12 of the General Section as well as Articles 18 and 19 of this Special Section IV of these General Terms and Conditions.

Article 18: Purchase of Products

  • The articles and books can be purchased by the Other Party from Unhack Yourself at prices and under payment conditions set by Unhack Yourself.
  • The articles will be made available online to the Other Party within five (5) working days after a request has been made.
  • After payment, the books will be sent as soon as reasonably possible, but within seven (7) working days, to the address provided by the Other Party.
  • The risk of damage to and/or loss of the book until delivery to the Other Party will be borne by the Other Party. Unhack Yourself is not liable for any resulting loss.

Article 19: Right of withdrawal with respect to books

  • If the Other Party is a consumer, during 14 days after receipt of the product the Other Party will have the right to terminate the purchase agreement for the profile books without giving reasons.
  • During the cooling-off period, the Other Party will handle the product and its packaging with due care. If the Other Party wishes to make use of the right of withdrawal, it will package the product with all the accessories delivered and return it to Unhack Yourself.
  • The costs of returning the books will be borne by the Other Party.
  • If the product has been received by Unhack Yourself in its original state, without any damage, the amount paid will be refunded to the Other Party as soon as possible, but within thirty (30) days after receipt by Unhack Yourself.